Last night as I was walking past the first house on the street I live on, I saw a cat. I know that's not really so exciting, but this was actually the first cat I'd seen in Japan so I was slightly surprised. I kissed to it but it ran off, so I just kept walking, not really thinking much of it. Then this morning as I walked past the same house I saw a little old woman holding a box. The box was filled with bright yellow blankets with ropes tied around them and sticking out of the blankets was the cat's head. Don't worry, the cat was alive, but it was very tightly bundled and I was very confused as to why the woman would be carrying a bundled cat down the road. We were both walking in the same direction and I kept glancing over at her to see what on earth she was doing. I was afraid she was going to leave the poor cat tied down on a street corner or something. We both headed into the park and she walked into a big field, still holding the cat. As I paralleled her on the path I was walking on, she stopped in the middle of the field, so I stopped too. She put the box on the ground and I held my breath, sure that she was going to turn around and walk away... but she didn't. Instead, she lay down newspaper, took off her shoes, and sat down next to the cat. The woman had brought her cat out for a sun bath in the park; it was possibly the cutest thing I've ever seen. Even though Tokyo is very different from my home, there always seems to be something here that makes me smile.
picture of the lovely park shown below:
Awwwwww--that was such a cute story. I totally would have done the same thing--followed the lady to be sure that the kitty-cat was going to be OK. LOVED the pix of the park--can't wait to see it when we visit! :->
What a nice story. I was relieved to hear that the kitty did not become kitty- sushi. I can't wait to read about your next adventure. Auntie-E
That is a very cute story. I'm glad you're updating your blog everyday because I really enjoy reading it. You make me realize how mundane my life is at the moment.
And it was completely necessary to tie the cat up with rope?! Hm...weird Asians. hahahaha :D Don't forget about your mission, btw!!! lmfao
Cool story...everyday I think I see one thing that is like wow I'm glad I saw that or glad I experienced that. But where's the apartment pics??? Hey do you know the exact days of our week off? I think I know but I'm not sure, and since my manager speaks no Japanese.. lol. Let me know. Your one Japanese date ahead already! lol I have to catch up.. talk to you later. Loved the meat reference from last post.
Hi Leila,
Sounds like you're acclimating well. The park is beautiful.
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